Psst! She Reads Trashy Novels...

September 10, 2005

Review: New Rules by Bill Maher

Bill Maher is a funny, funny man. Even though his friendship with Ann Coulter, and "dating relationship" with Karrine "Superhead" Steffans have completely eviscerated whatever weak and limping respect I might have for his judgment, I cannot deny that he knows how to bring the funny.

New Rules is a collection of the "New Rules" from Maher's weekly HBO show Real Time with Bill Maher. This book will be most appreciated by those who, like me, lead sad and lonely lives bereft of cable TV. Not that I can feel too sorry for myself - if I had cable I'd spend all my time watching Trashy TV shows instead of reading Trashy Novels. I prefer to read. Anyway, as the New Rules all originally aired on Real Time, they might not be so new to folks with cable.

New Rules is not the sort of book you want to keep and cherish forever. Many of the jokes are topical and will become dated. It's a pretty quick read. The combination makes it the perfect library or bargain table book.

New Rule
News organizations have to stop using the phrase “We go beyond the headlines.” That’s your job, dummy. You don’t see American Airlines saying “We land our jets on the runway!”

Posted by sk :: 9/10/2005 :: 0 comments

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