Psst! She Reads Trashy Novels...

August 30, 2005

Pray: New Orleans

Seriously. Put your hands together, get down on your knees, light a candle and pray for the beautiful, backward birthplace of Jazz. The police can't help, the president won't help, and the people are just trying to stay above water. So get in touch with your higher power - God, Jehova, Buddha, Jesus, Elvis, Oprah, whoever - and pray for your fellow Americans. Then, get in touch with your bank account, your credit limit, or your rich uncle Clarence and head on over to the Red Cross or MercyCorps to donate some money.

I have been glued to the TV for days, and what I am seeing makes me want to cry. No human being should have to go through what many people in New Orleans have experienced, and to see people suffering like that in the richest nation on Earth is truly shameful. I don't know about you, but the whole time I've been praying and donating, I've been thinking about how I'm going to be voting when I get the chance.

A certain apelike someone has spent billions protecting our oil supply aborad and preparing for a terrorist attack that may or may not ever happen only to stand around with his thumb up his ass while a major American city gets hit by a catastrophic natural disaster that experts and the
Army Corps of Engineers have been predicting for the last thirty years.

Pray. Donate. Vote.

Posted by sk :: 8/30/2005 :: 0 comments

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